Free Job Posting Conditions

RECRUITERS: Free Job Posting Service

DevNetJobs provides free job posting service to small NGOs working in rural and remote areas to a maximum of 10 jobs each year. In particular, these mean:

  1. Indian Non-Profits (not Indian offices of international organisations) which do not receive international / donor funding or have multiple offices.

  2. The job has not / will not be posted within 30 days on Paid websites (eg: Naukri...) or National Newspapers (eg: ToI Ascent, HT Careers...).

  3. Recruitment is handled by the NGO itself without involvement of any Recruitment or Advertising Agency.

The intent is to support small non-profits and especially those in rural and remote areas who do not have the resources to pay for their jobs, and find it difficult to retain qualified candidates.

Yes I agree that these 3 Conditions are being met and would like to submit my Job for FREE which will become LIVE in 3-4 days

Please proceed to Highlighted / Premium Posting if any of these 3 conditions are not met.

Director-level / Unit Heads / fundraising / marketing jobs within an organisation are not included in the free posting service. Director-level postings of International NGOs are charged premium rates. Generic jobs or those with multiple positions are charged double the cost of a single job posting. Organisations offering paid training / consulting / membership services are not eligible for free posting.

RECRUITERS: Recruitment Firms and Advertising Agencies

Wherever non-profit jobs are handled by a recruitment firm, or advertising agency, the for-profits rates would apply. DevNetJobs has the right to charge Premium Rates where applications and CVs are being shared with recruitment firms, and/ or are being submitted to their website.

JOBSEEKERS: Individual Indian Value Membership Service

The Indian Value Membership agreement is between the individual subscriber of Value Membership Service (hereafter referred to as the "Client") and (hereafter referred to as the "Service Provider").

The Client agrees to hire the Service Provider for a fee. For this fee, the Service Provider will provide access to the Client to Member-only job postings, the ability to set up custom job alerts.

The Client accepts that this service is without warranty of any kind, explicit or implied. The Client assumes all risks related to use of information sent. In no event is Service Provider liable for damages resulting from use, misuse, inaccuracy of information provided.

The Client understands that this is not a trial membership but payment has been made for actual service of 3 months and is non-refundable.

In case of recurring membership, the Client will automatically be billed for the next period unless a request has been made 5 days in advance of billing date to allow us to cancel the subscription. Such requests can be made at

The Client accepts that the information provided is for his or her personal use only and not for circulation.

If the client intends to circulate or make available the job notices within his/her organisation, then opt for Institutional Value Membership. Price of Value Membership is based on the number of users. Write to for a quote.


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