Chumben Humtsoe

Independent Consultant , Nagaland

Dimapur, Nagaland

Public health specialist with 10 years experienced in HIV/AIDS program management working with high-risk groups. Having experience in research and documentation, carrying out training needs assessment, developing training modules and imparting training and monitored competency development of the staff implementing HIV/AIDS prevention program. Will be adaptable to any developmental program.

Contact Chumben Humtsoe
Area of Expertise:
  • Capacity Building, Training, Advocacy
  • Health, Doctors, Nurses, HIV/AIDS, Nutrition
  • Monitoring, Evaluation, Policy, Research
  • Social, Gender, Education, Youth, Child
Professional Experience:

Worked as Program Director, Bethesda Youth welfare Centre. Leaded the Harm Reduction HIV/AIDS program with Injecting Drug Users (IDU) providing harm reduction services to 1500 injecting drug users. Oversee drug de-addiction rehabilitation program. Oversee the capacity development of the organization and capacity building of the staff.
Worked with Project ORCHID in senior management position as training coordinator for 2 years and as research and documentation coordinator for 7 years. Project ORCHID (Organised Response for Comprehensive HIV Interventions in the Districts of Nagaland and Manipur) is an HIV prevention initiative funded by Avahan (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in India), and is a collaboration between the Emmanuel Hospital Association (EHA) and the Nossal Institute for Global Health (formerly the Australian International Health Institute), University of Melbourne. Project ORCHID works in seven of nine districts in Manipur, and six of eleven districts in Nagaland. It supports local partner non-government organisations (NGOs) to deliver a range of harm reduction interventions in rural and urban settings including the provision of new needles and syringes, treatment of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and abscesses, condom distribution, counselling for behaviour change, and opioid substitution therapy
As training coordinator responsibilities taken up were conducted training needs assessment for each level of staff, collate training resources and developed competency based training modules for each level of staff, organized pool of competent resource person to deliver the training. Developed competency based monitoring and assessment tool to assess the competency development of the trained staff
As research and documentation coordinator responsibilities taken up includes documented the different strategies adapts in project ORCHID’s program implementation. Conducted the Behavioral Tracking Survey (BTS), among IDU and MSM in Nagaland and Manipur and bring out analysis report, disseminate analysis report to various stake holder and communities. Coordinate the project implementation and ensure all activities in the implementation plan carry out. Conduct NGOs target number validation to and give basis for NGOs updated target number and bring out summary report of the target population


Master of Public Health from Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) Amsterdam, The Netherland with sponsored by Netherlands Fellowship Program (NFP)
A recipients’ of Australian Leadership Award to undertake program management program from Nosal Institute of Global Health, Melbourne University.
M.Phil in Sociology from Delhi School of Economics with special focus on social problems, role of state and civil societies.

Available for:

  • Job opportunities

Years of Experience:

10-15 years

Highest Qualification:




